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Bind event callbacks to DOM nodes.


$(selector).on(events[, delegate][, data], handler);
$(selector).on(events[, delegate][, data]);


A string containing a space separated list of events to bind to, or a plain object where the key is a space separated list of events to bind to and the value is the event handler.


A string specifying a selector to delegate the event to.


Data to be passed to the handler when the event is triggered.


When events is a string, this is the callback function to be fired when the event is triggered on the selected node(s).


The original dabby collection.


// simple example
$("a").on("click", function (e) {
	alert($(this).attr("href")); // alert the href of the link
	e.preventDefault(); // don't visit the link

// multiple events as a string
$("a").on("click hover", function (e) {
	alert($(this).attr("href")); // alert the href of the link
	e.preventDefault(); // don't visit the link

// pass data
$("a").on("click hover", {type: "simple"}, function (e) {
	console.log(; // the data passed to the event
	alert($(this).attr("href")); // alert the href of the link
	e.preventDefault(); // don't visit the link

// delegate the event
$(".container").on("click hover", "a", function (e) {
	alert($(this).attr("href")); // alert the href of the link
	e.preventDefault(); // don't visit the link

// multiple events as an object
	click: e => alert(e.type), // click
	hover: e => alert(e.type) // hover

Differences to jQuery

Doesn’t suport the jQuery.Event object. When the data property is passed, depending on the type of event, the data property of the event object may already be set and unwritable. In this case the data is available to the callback as event._data.