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Unbinds event handlers previously bound through $.on().


$(selector).off(events[, delegate][, handler]); // unbind events as a string
$(selector).off(events[, delegate]); // unbind events as an object
$(selector).off(); // unbind all events


A string containing a space separated list of events to unbind, or a plain object where the key is a space separated list of events to unbind and the value is the event handler.


A string specifying a selector the event to unbind is delegated to.


When events is a string, this is the callback function to match against the bound handlers for removal.


The original dabby collection.


// simple example
$("a").off("click"); // remove all click events
$("a").off("click", handler); // remove click events bound with this handler

// multiple events as a string
$("a").off("click hover", handler);

// delegate the event
$(".container").off("click hover", "a", handler);

// multiple events as an object
	click: e => handler,
	hover: e => handler

Differences to jQuery

Doesn’t suport the jQuery.Event object.